Businesses Should Decide Between Hiring SEO Experts and Doing Own SEO

As a business that wants to utilise the online environment for growth, you are faced with two choices: do your own online marketing or hire an SEO expert. Deciding between the two is actually not too difficult; you just have to look at the different elements involved in SEO and online marketing in general to help you choose.
Forbes discussed several important considerations for making a choice. These include upfront costs, efficiency/expertise factor, and long-term traction failure risk. Upon taking a closer look at these factors, you can easily see which one is the better option.

Level of Online Marketing Confidence in Australians Shown to Be High

According to a survey cited by the Business Standard, Australian businesses are among the most confident with online marketing efforts. Throughout the world, people are embracing the digital world for many aspects of their daily lives. There are still places, however, where marketers are not too confident with the digital move. Australia, however, has a good percentage of marketers who are confident with their practice.
The survey was carried out by Adobe in collaboration with the CMO Council. It shows that the confidence relates directly to the belief that the digital medium enables engagement by providing touch points that serve as direct connections between a brand and its customers. Around 66 per cent of the respondents agreed that digital enables these opportunities. Almost half agree that digital is able to deliver more cost-effective customer acquisition.

A Top SEO Expert Can Help your Business Website Survive Mobilegeddon

If most people fear an impending doomsday which might not ever happen, businesses fear a different kind of doomsday which can or has already affected their websites. This event, which started last April 21, was popularly known as “Mobilegeddon”, when Google implemented yet another algorithm update that now factors in a website’s mobile responsiveness on its rankings in a search engine results page. Luckily, a top SEO expert can help you stay on top of this latest change and even win with your SEO strategy.

Why Did Google Do This?

Google had given websites at least two months’ notice regarding their latest update, saying in their February Webmaster blog that they will begin factoring in a website’s mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal.

No Pop-Ups: The New Era of Online Marketing Requires Smarter Tactics

More than a decade ago, social media became a new and fresh way to market and advertise for many companies. Fast-forward to today and it’s obvious how much social networks like Twitter and Facebook have changed online marketing strategies forever.

The problem lies in the fact that using these social media sites has become so common that nearly every business out there uses these sites as a platform for their campaigns. This is obvious by the numerous advertisements that pop-up every time we go online; in fact these pop-up advertisements are so numerous that people have started to use pop-up blockers just to avoid them.